Philips Professional Display Solutions (PPDS) has chosen FirstView as its global partner

FirstView joins PPDS Philips Professional Display Solutions Global Alliance Program alongside the world’s leading companies. PPDS’s partner program includes companies from more than 200 countries. The program is by invitation only and we are proud to be selected as the only partner in Finland. The nomination was made in recognition of our reliability, expertise, and […]
What is the price of an LED screen and other buyer questions

When choosing an LED screen, you should consider pixel pitch, brightness, and intended use. This guide will help you compare options and make an informed decision.
Future digital signage provides smoother service and better experience

Digital Signage has already expanded everywhere: streets, shops, schools, banks, restaurants, health centres and even taxi rear windows. Ennusteiden mukaan Digital Signage -markkina on edelleen jatkamassa kasvuaan, vuoteen 2023 mennessä sen uskotaan kasvavan jopa 34%. Vuoden 2019 Digital Signage Future Trends –raportin mukaan useilla toimialoilla suunnitellaan Digital Signagen käyttöönottamista lähitulevaisuudessa tai näyttöjen määrän lisäämistä. Digital […]
Info display locations matter

High quality content and the right device purchases alone will not be enough to make your digital signage successful. The third essential point is the location of the digital displays. It’s therefore not a good idea to jump into the installation right away, but rather spend a moment on planning. To get started, think about […]
Why a standard tv is no good as an info screen?

The right equipment purchases are part of a successful digital signage project. Without previous experience it can be difficult to evaluate what features are required from digital signage displays. Many people are wondering whether a standard TV can be used as an information display, as it is typically slightly cheaper than a business digital signage […]
Digital signage in restaurants – better profit & more sales

Digital signage displays are taking over from poster slots and neon signs in restaurants. And rightly so, because they are easy and fast marketing tools. Product advertising is handy, and anyone can update their menus and price lists easily. The biggest strength of digital displays is their real-time performance. No matter how busy the restaurant […]
What if the content would update automatically on the screens? This is how you can do it

Automatically updated content on the digital signage display sounds good, doesn’t it? Fortunately, automation does not require any strange magical tricks. Material from external sources, such as social media, can be imported very easily on digital displays. Automatically updated content saves you both worktime and advertising budgets. In addition to making your use of time […]
Background music improves productivity

Have you ever dined in a restaurant with no background music? The other diners may have sounded especially loud and noises from the kitchen ruined the ambiance. The lack of background music may even have seemed disturbing and affected the overall customer experience. That’s right, music has a way more significant impact on the atmosphere […]
Better Digital Signage – how to create impressive content

The content that is displayed on your Digital Signage displays matters. If the customer does not find the content interesting or the viewer does not understand the message, the displays are of little use. To take full advantage of Digital Signage, it is worth paying some attention to planning and designing the content. Digital Signage […]
Digital Signage – A Marketer’s Best Friend

Are there outdated ads hanging on the walls? Were those campaign materials not supposed to be put up already yesterday? Does that sound familiar? If your answer is yes, congratulations, you’ve found the right place. We are talking about Digital Signage, which transforms the way you interact with your audience. You can forget time-consuming print […]